Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun--Author Unknown

Happy Blogging

Welcome to my blog!!! Hope you learn something while visiting, feel inspired, or just like what you see. Feel free to post a comment and show your love. I am always open to constructive criticism and willing to learn new ideas. I am a firm believer of practice makes perfect. And I will practice daily to accomplish that.

Monday, February 8, 2010


This is the layout that I completed for my girls' Xmas Program at school. They enjoy this every year. Billy and I enjoy going and watching the girls participate in this. They always have a theme. This year was an Indiana Christmas. It was the last year for the girls to be in the Christmas Program for this school because they will be going to Middle School. Makes me sad. So, it was xtra special watching it this year.


  1. even though i have done seen these...i wanted to comment and tell you that you did a wonderful job on these. love the musical notes...

  2. those are some nice looking page's love you
